Thursday, July 2, 2009


Just like any profession, you must first have to learn that fundamentals of share trading before you decide to pursue it. Though most people start trading the Australian Share Market with $2000, you can get started with only $500. Before you delve into the basics of shared trading, it will be better if you read this article about share trading help ask yourself these important questions:
· What do I want to achieve from share trading?
· What kind of returns do I expect?
· Am I being realistic?
· Am I prepared to follow rules and systems of share trading strictly?
· How much money am I prepared to risk in share trading dealings?
Remember to be truthful as much as possible when answering these questions. You, of course, do not want to fool your own self.

A very important share trading fundamental is the amount of time you will be spending in the market. In line with time, you may also want to think about other essential factors like opportunity costs and interest repayment costs. The length of time, it goes without saying, you are willing to spend in the market is largely dependent on the people you will deal with. Mostly, trading stocks involve a short time frame but do remember that there are trading systems that can run for a longer period of time.

Aside from time and cost considerations, it is of grave importance that you focus on share trading help concerning tax implications. If, someday, your market trading activities go along with the criteria laid out by your taxation department, your professional share trading may be labeled as a type of business. When this happens, be certain that you heed professional advice from your accountant regarding tax issues related to share trading.

Apart from tax implications, you should also be mindful of liquidity when share trading. Liquidity is very important in share trading because it determines easy enter and exits as you please. Almost all stocks on the Australian Share Market are liquid; few are only illiquid. Most stocks that are liquid are normally in the tops 10,100 or 200 companies of the stock market. These companies would most likely belong to the Australian Stock Exchange 100 and 200 rankings.

The last share trading help you need to remember is that you and only you are accountable for the security of your financial future and share trading. You should be the one controlling the amount of risk in your trade and remember that any kind of loss, you might experience must be followed by a strict trading plan. Keep in mind that the share market does not have any say on how much you will lose. By deciding how much money you are willing to invest, you dictate the possible amount of money you can lose.


While perusing through one of my trading books, I came upon some fascinating facts that were very thought provoking, so I will pass them on to you.The authocr is “Daryl Guppy” a well established author and successful trader as well.He stated, that over time he noticed that once a share magazine was published that the stocks that were recommended by the magazine went into an uptrend, because the readers took notice of the tips given and bought them. Here are the statistics.1. One month after publication 90% of the stocks mentioned were still in an uptrend.2. Two months after publication 80% were still in an uptrend.3. Three months after publication only around 45% were still in an uptrend.Obviously it pays to buy the magazines each month and buy the shares mentioned.But I personally would be watching them very closely and would be hanging on to them only till my preset profit level had been reached and I definitely would be out after a 5-6 weeks.They would still have to qualify to my buying strategy in the first place if not I would not touch them at all.Now a hint for you here, How I trial my” New Ideas” out is by “Paper trading.” That way I am not risking any of my money in something that I am not 100% sure of.
If you want to paper trade the places I use are and both are free sites and you can find free information there as well.Becoming a “Dividend Stripper.”An interesting thing I found out was that apart from being share trader I have also become a “Dividend Stripper.” I shall explain this further as to what I do occasionally.A dividend stripper is a trader who buys shares to qualify for the oncoming dividend and then sells shortly afterwards.You buy before the “Ex Dividend” then you can sell the next day. Making sure of course you have the dates right in the first place.But to qualify for the “Franking Credits” you need to own them for 45 plus 2 days.1day for buying, 1day for selling plus 45 days = 47 days. Anything less and you miss out on those franking credits.An interesting thing to note is that a stock’s share price invariably falls usually by the amount of the dividend paid after the ex dividend date expires. Another trick is to buy the stock 2-3 weeks earlier in the hope that the share price goes up prior to ex = dividend.A Warning About IPO’s.The market seems to be inundated with IPO’S (Initial public offering) these new companies all seem predominately to be in the mining sector.All eager to get in on the current “minerals boom”A few opened up higher than the initial entry price. Most seem to be exploration of some sort or other.
The flavors of the month are usually oil or uranium.These are of course classified as “Speculative Stocks.”Which can mean that once the cash has dried up and they haven’t found anything, they then have to either raise more cash or shut shop? And your cash has gone with them.The rags to riches stories are many, but the road is littered with the crushed hopes and dreams of the unwary investors.All are searching for that elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.So be wary, do your research, and don’t jump in blind. Be an informed investor.If it looks to be too good to be true then it usually is.


Who don't want to win in any game specially if it is related with business? Now-a-days mind game has also been equally important as ground play , in every game whether it is cricket, hockey or soccer (remember that Final between Italy and Germeny , Zinedin Zidan was out of the game, It can be said that it was totaly a part of mind game of the opposite team. ) By the way, here We are gathered to discuss Game of trading and measure some points to consider to register a definite win in Stock Market.

The world of trading and invesment can be as frustrating as it can be rewarding! You need to be prepared...
Firstly, decide if you are a trader or an investor.

You need to study the market yourself - not just rely on 'reading the news', or listening to others advice and tips.

Ensure that you 'manage' your money and keep some in reserve.

If you decide to become a trader - to win - you must have a survival strategy...
Have the ability to quickly identify failures as well as successes.

Stock Market trading appeals to those who are a little adventurous - rather than just placing their capital into bricks and mortar.

An investor is someone who enters the stock market inadvertently - usually via their super annuation policies. A trader is someone who makes a decision to buy and sell shares via the stock market. This can be done online or by using the services of a stock broker.

Take advantage of technology - computers, software, electronic data - all at your finger tips. Seek out charting software and appropriate internet sites - they are plentiful.

last but not the least - be mindful that portfolio values are less stable than real estate as they are continually moving up and down.

However - investing in the Stock Market means that you are putting your money to work - be aware, and enjoy the gains!


What has happened to those who have tried and tried many things online onlty to feel failure. Why cannot there be a way to teach people how to make money online in ine ease simple way that will give you all the tools and traing. After I had seen some success with online sales I discovered that not many people are setting people up to succeed. But I have found a business model that will do that. What if I could find a business that offers all the hottest niches in the internet kingdom. How about a busines odel that would go over the top in training and showing you step by step how to make money and be successful and that you could take all their knowledge and use it in any business. That's the business the internet needs. So the first way to help your online business is to get a review of the business's that go toward something you like to sell. The niche has to be something your passionate about and that you love to share with the world.There are some seraches you can do through your favorite search engine and type the word research into the found niche you will find all you need to know about that niche and what the competition is doing. Start to journal your journey. Implore the thoughts of those who have already been successful seek out blogs that talk about it and ask questions on the blogs before you knwo it you will have a sea of practicle information you need to continue on.
Online marketing and offline sales are the greatest way to increase your money making abilities. I have helped many people go from where they are to where they want to go in a little time because they learned how the law of success works.

You are among them