Monday, November 2, 2009

Google world's most attractive employer, followed by Microsoft

Internet search giant Google has emerged as the most sought after company for business as well as engineering graduates, according to two surveys, which term the company as the world's "most attractive employer" followed closely by rival, Microsoft.

According to the surveys compiled by global employer branding firm Universum, Google has been ranked at the top spot in the list of top 50 global businesses and engineering companies.

About Google, the surveys said, "Google's number one position is no surprise. Due to its remarkable brand image, students worldwide see it as a company they would like to work for."

The search giant is followed by Pricewaterhouse where most B-Schools students want to work, while engineering graduates preferred Microsoft as their second choice.

For business students, Microsoft is the third choice, financial services major Goldman Sachs Group is fourth, Ernst & Young (fifth), Procter & Gamble (sixth), J P Morgan (seventh), KPMG (eighth), McKinsey & Company (ninth) and Deloitte (10th).

"The employers that feature in this Top 50 all have one thing in common: they successfully appeal to current and future talent, and they are aware of how scarce talent is," Universum said.

Soft drink major Coca-Cola has been placed at the 13th position, while Citigroup has cornered the 21st place for itself among the list for business students.

However, irrespective of ranks, the top 50 global employers for business and engineering students are very similar, showing strong employer brands transcend many skill and industry groups.

Conversely, Oracle and Philip Morris make it to the top 50 for business students, but not for engineering students. GlaxoSmithKline and Alcatel-Lucent appear in the engineering ranking, yet not in the business ranking.

Meanwhile, in the list of top 50 employers for engineering students Microsoft is followed by IBM at the third spot, BMW (fourth), Intel (fifth), General Electric (sixth), Sony (seventh), Siemens (eighth), Shell (ninth) and Procter & Gamble (10th).

However, despite it being one of the toughest years for car manufactures, BMW and Daimler appear in the global top 50 ranking in both lists.

The global rankings based on the survey of about 1,20,000 students highlights the world's most powerful employer brands and those companies that are "the most successful in talent attraction and retention."

Students from the US, Japan, China, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Russia, Spain, Canada and India's top academic institutions took part in the survey.

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