Wednesday, October 28, 2009

9th concept

9. De-stress with the help of a health-care coach
As the downsizing of corporate America continues, the workers who remain are being asked to do more with less - a lot less. And chances are, this added stress is taking a toll on your physical and mental health.

Ignoring the symptoms can be costly. Not only can stress make you less efficient and more mistake-prone on the job - which could lead to a pink slip in the short term - but it can also lead to long-term health problems that might jeopardize your most valuable asset: your physical ability to bring home a paycheck for years to come.

Time to call in the coach. Today 56% of large employers offer the services of so-called health-care coaches, on the theory that good health will lower medical costs and increase productivity. The coaches are typically nurses or other specialists who can help you manage chronic conditions, says Scott Keyes, a health-care consultant at Watson Wyatt. They can also help with workout regimens, meal plans, and remedies to alleviate anxiety. So ask HR or your insurer if you can get one-on-one attention.

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