Thursday, October 29, 2009


Zero Emissions Energy
wholly owned subsidiary of
National Wind Solutions

There are several advantages to fuel cell technology over current systems:

  • Fuel cells run very clean omitting only water as a waste product;
  • Hydrogen is abundant and cheap eliminating the need to import more oil;
  • Fuel cells provide a continuous energy source unlike wind and solar power which are intermittent;
  • NWND's Fuel Cell technology is economic – the technology will pay for itself through energy savings.

The Zero Emissions fuel cell incorporates low cost production designs to reduce initial investment. This will allow the Zero Emissions fuel cell to compete in the current energy environment.

Fuel Cells in President-Elect Obama's Energy Initiative

The President-Elect proposes to stimulate markets for advanced energy systems by promoting eciency in federal buildings and by establishing a 25 percent Federal Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) for all electricity consumed in the U.S, and nances clean, US-made power generation via a carbon cap-andtrade auction. Fuel cells can make a huge contribution to these national programs.

Congress can dramatically accelerate deployment of a clean, home-grown, US manufactured green energy technology, create an estimated 24,000 jobsi and ght back against global climate change, simply by taking advantage of federal laws already on the books. Fully funding programs of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT) at levels Congress has already approved for FY2010, and use of other authorized funds, will invest $1.2 billion in fuel cells, hydrogen and infrastructure. This investment will put hundreds of fuel cell vehicles and up to 100 megawatts of fuel cell power into customers' hands, reap eciency, environmental and security benets and create green jobs and high-tech manufacturicapacity for the American economy.

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